The evolution of travel experiences
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Have you ever traveled to a place, wanting to experience it more like a local resident would, rather than to tour it?
Or even to contribute to it?
Travel is recovering. Travel is also evolving.
According to Skift, tourism has rebounded in 2023.
From Skift’s Travel Health Index September 2023 Highlights. Click to view the source article.
After a period of hypergrowth for around the past two years, a certain kind of settling down for travel is projected for 2024, at least for large, publicly-traded travel companies.
The world of remote work also continues to settle into a new stage, and with it, the infrastructure - digital and physical - that allows for digital nomadism. With so many industries settling into a new stage of evolution, there will likely be a diversifying range of services for those looking to integrate, to various degrees, to a new place where they may want to stay for a longer period of time than just a week or two of vacation time.
Professional hospitality services are often the front door to a traveler’s sense of place. For tourists that want more than sightseeing, or visitors that want an extended stay, a gentle introduction to how people and businesses in the local ecosystems operate can be a powerful tool in helping visitors feel welcomed and included.
How this is being implemented in Japan
Japan is experiencing a boom in tourism — and in its Golden Route, even over-tourism. The government has made top-down policies to encourage travelers and remote workers to spread out into the countryside, but much of the positive victories have been won by local businesses. At the same time, many of these areas have experienced population decline, and many other local businesses have struggled for sales (also with ownership continuity, which may be a separate subject). However, in the past, there has often been a barrier between local businesses and tourists — whether due to the language barrier, general foreigner-friendliness, or the ability for non-locals to know about them or to find them easily — leading most tourists to flock to a relatively small percentage of attractions, services, and restaurants.
But for those who are seeking to connect with the way of life in a new place, there are increasingly hospitality services that provide these kinds of experiences. One example is Bed and Craft in Inami, Toyama Prefecture, famous for its history of traditional wood carving. Guests are able to participate in short apprenticeships in wood crafts, and spreading out the visitors’ experience between various places within the classic town helps them create more of a sense of grounding in the way of life there. Some may argue that perhaps it’s still only possible to only dip into the experience in a shallow way, given the cost and the likely short length of the stays. However, this is an example of change towards more experiential travel, and it has has inspired others to pursue similar efforts.
Bed and Craft (Inami, Toyama Prefecture)
This hotel offers “apprenticeships” to help visitors experience the town more deeply.
I had the chance to converse with another hotel, Hotel Koo Otsu Hyakucho, that went a bit further with this, integrating visitors’ experiences with the local business ecosystem, and they kindly responded to a few questions.
Hotel Koo, “stay funding,” and its introduction to local businesses
Located in Otsu, which is a city just 9 minutes to the east from Kyoto Station by train, Hotel Koo Otsu Hyakucho employs a different appeal quite different to that of the recent hotel boom in Japan.
If you stay there, your stay helps financially invigorate the local community of small businesses; it is the first place in Japan to adopt the concept of “stay funding,” donating money from every stay to the neighboring businesses. Additionally, the hotel helps you feel like a local by introducing you to the places that locals frequent. They do this effectively through a concierge of course, but also a detailed map highlighting what's special about each of the nearby businesses, which are locally-beloved, with a good mix of price ranges and selection. But in addition to these, the star offering is a tour (included with a stay) to explore shops one by one, with tons of context about how locals use them, interesting collaborations, what's going through change, and how aspects of traditional structures are preserved and sometimes integrated into daily life there, and the efforts of the region to give the local community of business owners a flow of new visitors and continuity.
Hotel Koo Otsu Hyakucho's mission is to create a model that other outlying regional centers can use to revitalize themselves, and I wanted to ask more about their efforts, as it is a unique experience integrating tourism with a smoother entry into the local experience, while contributing to that local experience a new chance to thrive.
1. How have you found ways to make visitors feel like locals?
We highlighted the things that were originally oriented towards locals and thought about how to utilize them. That's how we came up with the idea of a tour to visit nearby shopping streets and old townhouses. On these tours, everything you visit is not tourist-oriented. These are places used by local residents on a daily basis. By visiting these places, travelers can enjoy their experience as if they were living here.
2. Please tell us about the regional revitalization efforts you have made (or are currently making).
I think the biggest thing was that we built a hotel. Travelers can use the hotel as a starting point for dining and shopping at nearby shops. Most of them are small shops, and until now they have been operated as shops for local people. It is difficult to imagine that tourists would visit this area for that purpose alone. However, we thought that if we could convey the appeal to guests staying at the hotel, such stores in the region are sufficiently purposeful as part of, or as content within, the travel experience. Hotels also play a role in transmitting this message.
In addition, events and other activities at the hotel itself will provide an opportunity for not only tourists but also locals to visit the hotel. We also believe that by holding these events jointly with other local shops, we will further revitalize the area.
3. Do you think there is a shift from "consumption" to "co-creation and contribution" in the travel industry?
I do feel that way.
I also feel that there are many staying at our hotels who are people that are attuned to such changes. The hotel does not have a restaurant or a shop where you can buy souvenirs. At first glance, if we consider conventional thinking, this might be perceived as an "inconvenience." However, in order to help you enjoy this "inconvenience," we are working to improve our guidance and explain our initiatives.
Just by staying at the hotel, a donation is made to the community through the "stay-funding" system, and the community is further revitalized by having visitors use the local stores. I believe that this is creating a movement in which not only the people who live there, but travelers too, are working together to make the region more vibrant.
旅行は回復傾向にある。 旅行も進化しています。
Skift の Travel Health Index September 2023 ハイライトより (Google 翻訳)。 クリックするとソース記事が表示されます。
過去 2 年間ほどの急成長期を経て、2024 年には旅行業界が少なくとも大手の上場旅行会社ではある種の落ち着きを示すと予測されています。
リモートワークの世界も新たな段階に入り続けており、それに伴い、デジタルおよび物理的なインフラストラクチャもデジタル遊牧を可能にします。 非常に多くの産業が新たな進化の段階に落ち着いているため、より長期間居住したいと考えている新しい場所に、程度の差こそあれ統合したいと考えている人々にとって、サービスの範囲はさらに広がる可能性があります。
専門的なホスピタリティ サービスは、多くの場合、旅行者の場所の感覚への玄関口となります。 観光以上のものを求める旅行者、または長期滞在を希望する旅行者にとって、地元のエコシステムで人々や企業がどのように運営されているかを穏やかに紹介することは、旅行者が歓迎され、受け入れられていると感じるのに役立つ強力なツールとなり得ます。
日本は観光ブームを経験しており、そのゴールデンルートではオーバーツーリズムさえ起きています。 政府は旅行者やリモートワーカーの地方への分散を促すトップダウンの政策を打ち出しており、地元企業の努力もこの取り組みに大きく貢献している。 同時に、これらの地域の多くは人口減少に見舞われており、他の多くの地元企業は売上高で苦戦しています(所有権の継続もまた別の問題です)。 しかし、これまでは、地元企業と観光客の間には壁が存在することがよくありました。その理由としては、言葉の壁、外国人に対する一般的なフレンドリーさ、地元以外の人が地元企業について知ったり見つけたりする能力が原因である可能性があります。 このため、ほとんどの観光客は比較的少数の観光スポット、サービス、レストランに集まることになります。
しかし、新しい場所での生活様式とのつながりを求めている人々のために、この種の体験を提供するホスピタリティ サービスが増えています。 その一例が、伝統的な木彫りの歴史で有名な富山県井波のベッドアンドクラフトです。 ゲストは木工工芸の短期間の実習に参加できます。 また、訪問者の体験が古典的な町内のさまざまな場所に広がることで、そこでの生活様式にさらに根ざした感覚を生み出すことができます。 費用と滞在期間がおそらく短いことを考えると、まだ浅く体験することしかできないのではないかと主張する人もいるかもしれません。 しかし、これは、より体験的な旅行への変化の一例であり、他の人々も同様の取り組みを追求するようになりました。
Bed and Craft(富山県井波町)
私は別のホテル、「ホテル 講 大津百町」と話す機会がありました。このホテルは、訪問者を地元のビジネスエコシステムと結び付けるためにさらに進んでいます。 彼らは、観光客を地元の人々のやり方にもう少し溶け込ませるこの方法について、私の質問のいくつかに親切に答えてくれました。
「ホテル 講 大津百町」、「ステイファンディング」、と地元商店への紹介
京都駅から東へ電車でわずか9分の大津市に位置する「ホテル 講 大津百町」は、最近の日本のホテルブームとは全く異なる魅力を持っています。
ここに滞在すれば、その滞在は地元のコミュニティを経済的に活性化するのに役立ちます。 宿泊ごとに近隣の商店街に寄付する「ステイファンディング」のコンセプトを日本で初めて導入した。 さらに、このホテルでは、地元の人がよく訪れる場所を紹介することで、旅行者も地元の人になったような気分になれます。 コンシェルジュの存在がそのご案内に効果的なのはもちろん、地元で愛される近隣の各店の特徴を詳細にまとめた地図も手渡されます。そこに載っている店は品揃え、それにみあった価格など、ホテルスタッフおすすめのお店ばかりです。しかし、これらに加えて目玉となるのは、ひとつひとつのお店を探検するツアー(宿泊料金に含まれています)です。地元の人々がどのようにそのお店を利用しているのか、興味深いコラボレーション、何が変化を遂げようとしているのか、そして伝統的な建造物がどのように保存され、それが現代のその場所でどのように日常生活に溶け込んでいるのか、また、地元の経済に新たな、そして継続的な訪問者の流れを与えるための地域の努力など、たくさんのことを知ることができます。
「ホテル講 大津百町」は他の地方都市が活性化するモデルを作ることを使命としています。そこで私は、その取り組みについてもっと聞きたかったのです。なぜなら、それは、観光(客)を地元の体験にスムーズに取り込み、地元体験に新たな流れを生み出すためのユニークな経験だからです。
1. 訪問者に地元の人のように感じてもらう方法をどのように見つけましたか?
2. これまでされた(または現在されてる)地域活性化への取り組みについて教えてください。
3. 旅行業会で「消費」から→「共創と貢献」への変化が起きていると思いますか?
写真から: ホテル 講 大津百町
ホテル 講 大津百町、「ステイファンディング」、「講」(相互扶助団体)の歴史について詳しくは、コンセプトページをご覧ください。